Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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Otto “Nino” Landen, a distinguished member of the technical staff and inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiments group leader at Lawrence Livermore was awarded the 2023 Edward Teller Medal. Presented by the Fusion Energy Division of the American Nuclear Society, Landen was honored for his “pioneering contributions to ICF and high-energy-density science and for his leadership in achieving ignition on the National Ignition Facility (NIF).” Since joining the Laboratory in 1984, Landen has led teams to develop novel, low-Z dense plasma characterization techniques and the experimental ICF platforms for adjusting key laser and target inputs at the NIF.

Lawrence Livermore-developed technology Energy Inks won the Best in Region Award from the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer Far West Region. Energy Inks are functional feedstocks enabling 3D-printed devices such as batteries. Livermore has partnered with MilliporeSigma, a global chemical and materials supplier, to introduce the product to commercial markets. Energy Inks received an R&D 100 award in 2022.

Livermore scientists David Gibson and Paul Pax were named Senior Members of Optica, the leading organization for scientists, engineers, business professionals, students, and others interested in the science of light. The Optica designation recognizes members with more than 10 years of professional experience in optics or an optics-related field. Gibson is a staff scientist at NIF working on directed-energy research, and Pax is a staff scientist in the Computational Engineering Division leading optical modeling to design a high-gain amplifier at NIF.

Two scientists at Livermore have been elected as Senior Members of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) in recognition of their professional experience and active involvement in the optics community and SPIE. Wren Carr was recognized for his research in laser-induced damage and mitigation science, while Peter DeVore, chief scientist for the Radio Frequency Photonics group, was recognized for technical direction of a technology portfolio bridging the gap between high-speed electronics and optical fiber–waveguide systems.