S&TR | May 2019


The Laboratory in the News

At the Intersection of Engineering, Neurobiology, and Computation

Commentary by Anantha Krishnan

Small Brain-on-a-Chip Promises Big Payoffs

Livermore’s brain-on-a-chip may offer a faster, less expensive, and more effective way to evaluate the organ’s response to human-made and natural threats.
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A Brilliant Mind Leaves an Indelible Legacy

Lawrence Livermore celebrates the life and contributions of its third director, Harold Brown, whose career was truly one of service to the nation.

“Mini” Device Set to Analyze Mysterious Psyche

A space-bound gamma-ray spectrometer will explore the 16-Psyche asteroid, providing insights into the formation of Earth and other terrestrial planets.

Energetic Laser Helps Test Weapon Survivability

At the National Ignition Facility, researchers evaluate the ability of nonnuclear weapons’ components to withstand extreme x-ray and neutron environments.

