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Two Livermore-led teams received SciVis Test of Time awards, recognizing articles that continue to impact scientific visualization. The first paper describes a framework for computing structures that extract and visualize data. Livermore co-authors included Attila Gyulassy, then in the Student Graduate Research Fellowship program, computer scientist Peer-Timo Bremer, and former computer scientist Valerio Pascucci.
The second paper, by Mark Miller and former Livermore scientist Mark Duchaineau, describes a terrain visualization method enabling accurate images of large data sets at high frame rates with less computational work.
Livermore developers of the Suite of Nonlinear and Differential/Algebraic Equation Solvers (SUNDIALS), an open-source software library that solves mathematical equations critical to modeling and simulating physical phenomena, received the 2023 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Prize in Computational Science and Engineering. The SUNDIALS team includes Carol Woodward, Cody Balos, David Gardner, Peter Brown, guest scholar and retiree Alan Hindmarsh, and former Laboratory staff Daniel Reynolds and Radu Serban.
Optica selected two Lawrence Livermore scientists as fellows, based on their distinguished contributions to the optics and photonics community. Félicie Albert was named for pioneering research on x-ray sources driven by laser-Wakefield acceleration and for leadership in the LaserNetUS initiative. Craig Siders was selected for contributions to research, application, and development of high-intensity lasers in both basic and applied sciences.
Japan’s prime minister awarded Brad Roberts, director of the Laboratory’s Center for Global Security Research, the Order of the Rising Sun for strengthening U.S.–Japan cooperation on extended nuclear deterrence and in mentoring the emerging generation of officials and scholars. The award, one of the highest honors bestowed by the Government of Japan, is rarely awarded to non-Japanese citizens.