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The Geochemical Society has recognized Lawrence Livermore geochemist Thomas Kruijer with the F.W. Clarke Award. The award honors a single outstanding contribution to geochemistry or cosmochemistry, published by an early career scientist as a single paper or a series of papers on a single topic. Kruijer was honored for his work on the hafnium–tungsten isotope chronometer, which has profound implications for the origin and evolution of the solar system. Kruijer determined when planetesimals (small bodies that formed before the larger planets in the solar system) solidified during the initial stages of planetary accretion, when Jupiter likely formed, as well as when and how the Moon formed following a giant impact on the proto-Earth.
Lawrence Livermore experimental plasma physicist Tammy Ma has been named Woman of the Year for the 16th Assembly District by California State Assembly member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan. The annual Woman of the Year event, founded in 1987, is sponsored and organized by the California Legislative Women’s Caucus as a way to highlight women who make important contributions to society.
Ma leads the X-Ray Analysis Group for Livermore’s Inertial Confinement Fusion Program at the National Ignition Facility. She has authored or co-authored more than 150 peer-reviewed journal publications. She is also a member of the Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee, advising the Department of Energy’s Office of Science on complex scientific and technological issues related to fusion energy and plasma research, and is one of 40 early career scientists worldwide appointed to a two-year term as a Young Scientist of the World Economic Forum.
The Laser Institute of America has recognized the Laboratory’s Jamie King, a certified laser safety officer (CLSO), with the R. James Rockwell Jr. Educational Achievement Award. The award, presented biennially since 2005, honors outstanding contributions in laser safety education through efforts such as training and education courses, publications, software development, significant involvement in safety-related conferences, and educational website development.
King has more than 25 years of experience in laser safety, and since 2011 has been the institutional LSO for the Laboratory. King serves as the chair for the Department of Energy’s Laser Safety Task Group and has been involved in every technical planning committee for the department’s LSO workshops since 2012. He was also co-chair for Technical Practical Applications Seminars for the International Laser Safety Conference in both 2017 and 2019, coordinating topics and speakers to deliver high-quality laser safety information and encouraging the next generation of laser safety professionals.