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The Fusion Power Associates Board of Directors selected Livermore physicist Tammy Ma for its 2021 Engineering Award. The award recognizes professionals with technical accomplishments and leadership potential in the fusion field. Ma has authored or co-authored more than 180 refereed journal publications in fusion energy and plasma research. She leads the High-Intensity High-Energy-Density Science Element in the Advanced Photon Technologies Program within the National Ignition Facility and Photon Science Principal Directorate, and she serves as co-deputy director for Livermore’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program. Ma recently served on a Department of Energy subcommittee that authored a long-range strategic plan for fusion energy and plasma science.
The Council of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) awarded its Henry G. Houghton Award to Livermore atmospheric scientist Mark Zelinka, the task lead for Cloud Feedbacks in the Laboratory’s Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison. The award recognizes early career scientists with research achievement in physical meteorology, physical climatology, atmospheric chemistry, or hydrology. AMS cited Zelinka for his work studying the planet-cooling effect of clouds to better understand climate sensitivity—global warming due to doubling of carbon dioxide. His research examines how changes in the balance of competing cooling–heating effects can intensify or dampen the climate’s response to increasing greenhouse gases.