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The National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA’s) Office of Safety, Infrastructure, and Operations (NA-50) awarded Laboratory teams with the following nine NA-50 Excellence Awards (the most the Laboratory has ever received in a year). The annual award program was established to recognize teams and individuals for exceptional accomplishments made in support of NA-50 efforts to achieve the NNSA mission.


The Office of Laboratory infrastructure within the Director’s Office was recognized for Excellence in Integration of NNSA and Site Asset Planning Systems to Support Real Property Asset Management Planning. This team was recognized for best-in-class integration of facility data, models, and analyses supporting NNSA’s science-based infrastructure stewardship using data-driven, risk-informed, performance-based information to communicate the health of NNSA’s infrastructure.


The Expand Electrical Distribution System (EEDS) Project Team was recognized for the successful execution of Lawrence Livermore’s and NA-50’s EEDS Project. The team delivered the project safely, on time, and under budget with no lost time or recordable accidents.


The LLNL Computerized Move Management System for Optimized Space Utilization of NNSA Assets Team was recognized for skillful and creative innovation in the development and deployment of a computerized Move Management System that allows NNSA, for the first time, to have real-time understanding of office asset utilization at the lab-enterprise scale.


The BUILDER Innovation: Improving Science-Based Modeling and System Integration Team was recognized for innovation, creativity, and rigor in developing and applying science-based projection models for real property building systems. The BUILDER project tracks asset inventory and inventory condition and helps NNSA understand the infrastructure needs of the Laboratory and the NNSA enterprise.


The No FY19 reportable Injuries in WCI High Hazard Facilities in an Increased Operations Tempo Team received an award in recognition of Laboratory and Livermore Field Office personnel working in Weapons and Complex Integration’s high-hazard facilities for their dedication and commitment to meeting mission goals, completing critical upgrades, and maintaining safe programmatic and facility operations with zero reportable injuries in fiscal year 2019, culminating in a contiguous two-year safety record.


The Lawrence Livermore SAFER Data Integration Prototype Team was recognized for rapid development of a prototype dashboard and database for displaying and interpreting enterprise safety risk data.


Martin Martino, real property administrator, was recognized for Improved LLNL Real Estate Program and Increased Cost Savings to the Federal Government, which leveraged solutions to utilize existing assets, resulting in significant cost savings to the federal government.


The Design and Implementation of Enduring Transuranic Waste (TRU) Characterization and Certification Program was recognized for excellence in the implementation of new TRU characterization and certification processes and programs at Lawrence Livermore to support TRU shipment.


The NIF Facility and Infrastructure Systems Section was recognized for excellence in early implementation of predictive maintenance best practices.