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The 2023 Edouard Fabre Prize, sponsored by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology Network for Inertial Confinement Fusion, has been awarded to Livermore physicist Alex Zylstra for his leadership of the Hybrid-E campaign that ultimately achieved fusion ignition at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Zylstra and his team improved the technologies and scientific design involved in NIF’s ignition experiments with advances such as improved implosion design and crossbeam energy transfer for implosion symmetry control. 

Livermore scientists Manyalibo “Ibo” Matthews and Frank Graziani have been named 2023 American Physical Society (APS) fellows. Fellowship is granted to selected APS members each year for their contributions to the research, application, or teaching of physics. Matthews, the Materials Science division leader, has spent much of his 17-year Laboratory career researching light–matter interactions. Graziani’s 34 years at Livermore have led to his directing of the High-Energy-Density Science (HEDS) Center, where he mentors students and educates the global HEDS community. 

The American Institute for Chemical Engineering has named Livermore staff scientist Jeremy Feaster as one of its 2023 “35 under 35” award winners. Awardees are outstanding contributors in chemical engineering under the age of 35. Feaster is a principal investigator and staff scientist in the Materials Science Division, where he researches electrochemical reactors with the goal of addressing climate change concerns. Throughout his career, he has prioritized service by providing scholarships and mentoring opportunities for Black and underrepresented students. 

Livermore’s Jean-Michel “JM” Di Nicola and Peter “Jeff” Wisoff have been selected as 2024 Optica fellows, a distinction given for contributions to optics and photonics education, research, and engineering. Di Nicola, co-program director for NIF & Photon Science (PS) Laser Science and Systems Engineering, was selected for his contributions to high-energy laser systems and his leadership at NIF. Wisoff, principal associate director of NIF & PS, was selected for his technical and program leadership in lasers and inertial confinement fusion in achieving ignition.